Personal data
Date of Birth: 20/06/1982
Country: Italy
Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (Enterprise Application)
- Avanade (
17/11/2008 to present
Employee at Avanade Italy. Involved in several consulting project for big customers.
Key achievements:
- NTV (Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori), the new railways company in Italy: I've been involved in the development of the B2C/B2B online ticketing website based on Navitaire platform (SkySales, C#, ASP.NET 3.5, MVC, XSLT) integrated with Oracle SOA and Siebel CRM.
- Philip Morris International: I worked to the development of the brand new Corporate Web Site ( based on MOSS 2007/Web Content Management.
- Poste Italiane (
Web Developer
14/06/2007 to 16/11/2008
Member of the development team of "Cruscotto Commerciale" (ASP.NET 2.0, SQL Server 2000) and "PTCommerce" (Commerce Server 2002, ASP.NET 1.1), web applications internally used by Poste Italiane for CRM and for e-commerce.
- (
29/07/2005 to present
Personal project for the development of a Web Magazine and Community Site about Xbox and Xbox 360. Developed and deployed the XboxWay web site platform (ASP.NET/C#/SQL Server) extending and personalizing Community Server (open source community platform by Telligent Systems).
Currently responsible for collaboration with videogames publishers and software houses (such as Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, etc.). is linked on the “Fan Sites” page of the official Xbox Italian web site.
06/04/2006 to present
Consultant for the delivery of Microsoft courses about Platforms and Development Tools. Some delivered courses:
- MOC 2014, MS SharePoint Portal Server 2003
- MOC 2734, MS SQL Server 2005
- MOC 2534, MS Visual Studio 2005 – Core Web Application Development
- Ministero della Difesa - Duck CE S.r.l.
Web Developer and System Administrator
Trapani/Roma - 12/01/2003 to 11/01/2006
Responsible for the development and deployment of Internet Portals and Web Apps (CMS/SPS/ASP.NET/Web Services) for customers in the Corporate and Government marketplace. Main developer and Microsoft Products specialist in the company Web Department.
-, Ministry of Defense Internet Portal, for the Italian Government. Main developer and system administrator. Developed the entire web application based on MCMS/SPS, using ASP.NET and C#. Managed system administration of the portal server farm. Led a team of three developers.
- Freelance Consultant
Web Developer
Milan - 31/03/2003 to 30/11/2003
Developed web-based applications for customers in the Medium and Large Business marketplace. Key Achievements:
-, Corporate portal of Auxmarine Group. Developed the entire CMS Portal Framework (ASP.NET/C#/SQL Server), with modules for managing users, on-line catalog, pages content, news, etc.
Web Developer
Milan - 20/11/2001 to 31/03/2003
Member of the company web site development team. Responsible for the development and deployment of internal Web Apps. During my collaboration period, based on on-line financial services, was awarded with the “Premio WWW 2002”, by the Italian financial daily news “Il Sole 24 Ore”. Key Achievements:
- Developed corporate intranet portal for the financial data entry (ASP/ASP.NET/Oracle DB).
Web Developer
Milan - 03/09/2001 to 19/11/2001
Collaborative web project based on on-line insurance. Web site developed using ASP pages and SQL Server 2000 database.
Personal projects
- - Find your Way to
01/03/2004 to present
ASP.NET resources web site. I publish articles and news about Microsoft ASP.NET.
- University of Roma "Tor Vergata"
Actually student for a degree in Computer Engineering
- Istituto Tecnico Commerciale "G. Garibaldi" Marsala
High school Diploma of Computer Programming and Commercial Accounting
Grade: 100/100
Technical Skills
- Windows 2003/2000, Windows XP, Windows NT
- Visual Studio.NET, .NET Framework, Web Services, ASP.NET, C#
- HTML, ASP, VBScript, Javascript
- Navitaire New Skies SkySales
- CMS 2002, SharePoint Products and Technologies
- SQL Server 2000 (design, T-SQL, stored proc, replication)
- ISA Server 2004 (basic knowledge)
- COM/COM+, VB (not used recently)